Two Disabled Dudes Podcast


Saturday, October 24th at 4:00pm

In these tough times of social distancing and isolation, it may be hard to remember that there is more to life than circumstance.

This is the mantra of Kyle Bryant and Sean Baumstark, co-hosts of the podcast Two Disabled Dudes. Kyle and Sean are both affected by a rare disease called Friedreich’s Ataxia (FA), that impacts their balance and coordination, significantly limiting their physical abilities.

However, disability does not mean inability. Kyle and Sean have both accomplished incredible feats! Kyle rode a trike to the top of the highest paved road in North America and Sean had the opportunity to run with the Olympic Torch!

Our community has also found that even in these dark times, there is ample opportunity to shine bright and showcase the strength and resilience that has allowed us to expand our opportunities and continue striving for independence.

Join Pathway to Possible, Kyle, and Sean in an authentic, insightful, and empowering exploration of how our circumstances do not limit our ability to reach full potential!

Check out Kyle and Sean's website where you can listen to their full collection of podcasts.